The teacher in the classroom has become one of mentor, facilitator, and fellow learner rather than the sole provider of information in the classroom. It is a head-heart-hands approach to learning where the brings lessons to life through real world connections and nurtures creativity, collaboration and critical thinking.
We believe learning is a social activity; no longer done in isolation, but instead, with students interacting and working collaboratively on projects and other authentic learning situations.
We do not subscribe to the top down, one-size fits all learning structure. If you have zest for teaching and feel that you could draw those connections from your past work-life, you could see a new world through the eyes of the children.
We’re open to having a conversation with anyone with a passion for teaching regardless of their professional backgrounds. Send us an email along with your resume to [email protected]
Locate your where your child’s Interest and skills lie. To find the knowledge gap a 21st century approach to education can fill in your child, Take our free test